Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Steve Irwin Final

Good reproduction news! Here's Steve-o, in all his glory.


Here's a piece I did on everything engineers can dream up! Thanks to the wonderful Chris Burton for assisting me with reference. Again, not a fabulous reproduction. I'm sensing a trend here. I'll get a better one up when I get a better photo!

Wha-oh! That's a Dragon!

If you recall, our brave knight was checking his map for directions to the gold, last we saw him.


...oh geez!...

It has been nearly impossible to photograph or scan this well. To make the dragon as red as he is, there were a lot of glazes involved, which means the piece is very very shiny. I think I simply need a better camera to start with. This just doesn't do it justice, but you get a feel for the thing. He's fun! I like him. Promise I'll upload a better one as soon as I can!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another portrait study

Sorry the blog's slow right now, but soon it will be bombarded with the things I'm finishing up for my final semester in college. Graduating in two weeks! Here's another portrait study I did in class that went well.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Trying to update the blog more often, so even though lots of my friends have seen this one, here she is. My friend Maria, in all her beautiful glory! -Maria, as soon as you get that blog up, I'll set up a link in this post to it! ;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blueberry Fish!

Tonight, given the ingredients I had at my disposal, I made blueberry glazed catfish! It turned out pretty good, just boiled down some blueberries, orange juice, honey, and a little thyme and put it on top of my olive oil fried catfish. Blueberry fish made me laugh though, so I did a little illustration for fun!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Medieval Treasure Hunting!

Here's a sneak peak at some progress of my next painting. And look what we have! A knight, checking his map for directions. I sure hope his treasure hunt goes okay! Looks like there may be a small hitch in his plan on the way to the gold though....